Question 109: Meditation is better than knowledge:

Spring and GM CanolaIt behooves the young Rama to seek the distinction between that which is seen outwardly, and that which is known inwardly. Steadiness in meditation and action is ever a virtue to be acquired. Preferably when one is young. It is hard, hard, hard, to still the mind in the later years.

Abyasa (abhyaasa). Systematic, steady practice.
Brahm-abhyas spiritual discipline; practice leading to realisation of Brahman
Brahm-satta the potency of Brahman
chitta: chitta San. noun. the mind (the seat of understanding and awareness, of intellect and will); memory, thought, reflection; the soul, heart. It is the individual consciousness, composed of intelligence and intellect (buddhi), ego (ahamkara) and mind (manas). In Vedanta, chitta is one aspect of Universal Consciousness (chit). The world hangs on the thread of consciousness – without consciousness, there is no world.


Question 109: Sir, kindly explain how ideation becomes extrovert and how it is directed inward so that the non-existence of the
universe is realised.

Answer: Ramji, the dissolution or non-existence of the universe is realised after hard discipline. This discipline envisages continuous experience or realisation of the non-existence or the illusory character of the universe, and achievement of stability in the state of pure consciousness. When one is steadily directed inward and reflects on Atma, then Atma is realised. Contemplation or practice always succeeds. As is the thought or contemplation, so is the form realised. When a jiva contemplates a universe, the ideational universe is experienced; but when he practises Atma, the illusion of the universe merges in Atma and then he visualises pure Atma. It shows that nothing exists except Atma that is self-independent.

When the universe has not been created, what and for whom are bondage and liberation!

Ramji, when you practise with contemplation, your illusion of the universe will disappear. Both the chitta and the universe disappear on contemplation. The ideation of the universe is the cause of bondage, and he who has firm faith in the non-existence of universe is liberated.

Ramji, on introspection and contemplation you will experience the infinite, unborn (without beginning) Atma that is otherwise experienced as the universe of causality. It shows that there is no distinction between Atma and the universe and that both are identical. Just as there is no distinction between water and bubbles, gold and omaments, so there is no distinction between Brahman and the universe.

Spring and GM Canola


You are now able to attain concentration when you walk, talk, write or cycle along, but you say you are helpless when it is a question of concentrating on God. Why have you to struggle to acquire it? The reason is: you have no yearning, no fond attachment, no Love towards God, but carry on with the endeavour. By means of continuous culture, it is possible to acquire it. The Gita says, Sreyohi jnanam abhyasaath (Meditation is better than knowledge). Abhyasa or practice is the crux of the problem. Through that, victory can be won. Concentration can be mastered in meditation and this will lead to disinterestedness in the results of one’s actions, for the actions are not One’s own, but God’s. The results too are not one’s, they are God’s. When you become detached from the fruits of your actions, though intent on action (offering to the Lord your skill and energy), then you attain peace of mind – prasanthi: the highest peace. If, however, you cultivate attachment to things of the world, land and houses, bank balance and insignia of power, then meditation fails.


Hamsa Gayatri
Om Hamsaaya Vidmahe
Paramahamsaaya Dhimahi
Tanno Hamsha Pracodayaat

“May we realise Hamsa that is our own Self as Swan. Let us meditate on that Paramahamsa, the Supreme Self. May Hamsa illumine us.”