Question 123: Why is the Sky blue?

Blue The youthful Rama asks – as everyone does at one time or another in their life – “Why is the sky blue?” The sage responds that the akash (the ether, the space, the void) has no shape, form, nor colour. It is a form of ignorance to say the sky is blue. Those who have wisdom know that the sky is a glamour of atma and ideation.

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Question 118: The body is imaginary

The White HorseSri Vasishtha narrated the story of King Lavan to young Rama. This story illustrates the strength of the mind to create illusion and separation from Brahman. Everything in this world, including the body, is an illusion. The Atma passes from body to body. Lord Krishna taught that the mind accompanies the Atma to the new body. This is the point Vasishtha is making to young Rama. The mind causes the illusions.

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Question 114: Is the Mind Sentient or Insentient?

Eye of God constellationEach day we pass through all four states: the waking state, the dream state, the deep sleep state, and the turiya, when the Atma is itself and no object nor ideation. Young Rama asks if this mind – a bundle of thoughts brought across to the new body with the Atman, the Soul – young Rama asks if the mind is sentient or insentient. Is this a question about self awareness? Consider Vasishtha’s response.

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