Question 258-260: How can Ego be got rid of?

How can Ego be got rid of?
The young Rama is curious about the nature of reality and cognition. Ideations that arise are illusory in fact and the question arises about ego, illusion and the goal of life. We have to ask ourselves, How can ego be got rid of?


Brahm-satta the potency of Brahmam

atmaswaroop: cf. atmaswarupa; Consciousness, the Self, original nature, our true essential nature. (embodiment, form of the Atma)

chidakasha: The causal aspect of the universe. The akash or space of Chit; the Absolute Consciousness, the all pervading Spirit;

ahamkara (aham+kara) San. m. ‘I-maker’ – egoism, the individuating principle which is the basis of this world of duality, the sense of personal self; pride. The ego is the identification with a name and form and in the case of the ‘bound’ entity, ‘enveloped by the consciousness of doership’. Only within the illusion of separateness can the question of bondage arise – without identification with the ego, there is no individual to take responsibility for actions, therefore no bondage and no liberation.

maya: Hin., San. f. magical or supernatural power; illusion, the deluding power of God, the ‘divine hypnosis’ that deludes us into forgetfulness of our true nature, so that we believe we are separate individuals with the power to act. This illusion of separateness is the raison d’etre of our identity with ego. Maya works with two powers using the mind – one enables it to veil the truth, and the other to project an illusory image, whereby the unreal appears as the Real and unity appears as multiplicity; maya creates forms in the formless. ‘Understand that to be maya (illusion) which is devoid of any purpose, which is not to be found in the Self and which is unreal, like light and darkness.’

atma-abhyas: spiritual discipline; spiritual endeavour

satsang the company of God or his devotees, association with people of good character, a gathering of like-minded people; company with the goodly and godly; association with Truth;


Question 258: Sir, since Atma is everything, then what are mind and intelligence etc., with which you are teaching all this?

Answer: Ramji, all that I am saying for the sake of teaching is in the realm of relativity; there is no ideation in the Absolute. Mind, intelligence etc., are no entities; only Brahm-satta is established by itself. Just as there is no distinction between water and bubbles, both being the same stuff, so also the mind, etc are Atma-swaroop. Though manifest, they are non-entities. There’ is nothing but Atma. When you examine the manifest universe closely, you will see the Atma-swaroop, and will know that all objects, names and attributes exist in the potencies of Atma. The universe of diverse forms that is perceived is all chidakash. Just as dream objects are cognised as real in dream only and not in the waking state, so when you rise in Atma swaroop, you will realise that all objects of the waking world are unreal like the dream objects.

Ramji, you should be established in the true self that is always pure, effulgent and indestructible.

Question 259: Sir, what is ego?

Answer: Ramji, having become associated with any attribute of the illusion (maya) and then to cognise oneself as something, is called ego (ahamkar).

Question 260: Sir, how is ego annihilated?

Answer: Ramji, ego is just illusion and is annihilated with contemplation and spiritual discipline (Atma– abhyas) in holy company (satsang). At the same time, one has to contemplate on who am I, what are the senses, what is the universe, and being a witness, one has to realise that I am distinct from all these and there is neither I nor you within Myself. Ego is annihilated with this kind of contemplation and practice.


It is also said that if you can get rid of your ego, you can understand Brahman; but then, you have to ask yourself as to how ego can be got rid of. Today, we think that what has come with a form is Ahamkara (ego). We also equate Ahamkara to arrogance. Ahamkara is not always arrogance. It is present at all times and in all the three aspects—sathwic, rajasic and thamasic. This ego has the capacity to take man into very crooked paths. It promotes selfishness and ultimately results in making man forget who he is.

Ego also appears because of beauty, education, wealth, position or caste. If you want to think of your beauty as the cause of your ego, you should know that beauty shines and disappears in a moment like lightning. If you want to think of your wealth or your strength as the cause of your ego, these things are like mirages and they disappear in a moment.

If we regard the ego as depending on our position, one does not know when this position will rise or fall or even vanish altogether. The moment you lose your position, you become an ordinary person. So, there is no point in having ego which depends on position or authority. Summer Showers In Brindavan 1973


How can Ego be got rid of?



Hamsa Gayatri
Om Hamsaaya Vidmahe
Paramahamsaya Dheemahi
Tanno Hamsa Prachodayat

“May we realise Hamsa that is our own Self as the Swan. Let us meditate on that Paramahamsa, the Supreme Self. May Hamsa illumine us.”



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