The young Rama is curious about the nature of reality and cognition. Ideations that arise are illusory in fact and the question arises about ego, illusion and the goal of life. We have to ask ourselves, How can ego be got rid of?
reflections on Oneness
The young Rama is curious about the nature of reality and cognition. Ideations that arise are illusory in fact and the question arises about ego, illusion and the goal of life. We have to ask ourselves, How can ego be got rid of?
The young Rama is asking questions about how ideation arises in the purity of Atma. The sage replies citing one of the great mahakvakyas (utterance) and whether a doer, a spiritual aspirant has made themselves worthy of the great utterance. Names and forms, ideations or modifications of consciousness arise within the primeval ideation of Atma. The Atma is witness of all these objects with names and attributes. These have naught to do with the True Self.