In Question 244, Vasishtha finished with reference to King Sikhidhvaja. Ramji, some time back there lived a king, Sikhidhvaja by name, who also remained in the non-ideational state and enjoyed immense bliss. You, too, should adopt the attitude like that of King Sikhidhvaja. In this new question from the young Rama, the story of King Sikhidhvaja and Queen Chudala is narrated.
Sarvam khalvidam Brahmam
Question 60: How does the Universe arise?
The universe arises on account of the binding illusion we are born into. This world is real, yes, we are bound by thoughts, words, actions. Our forming and relating ideas strengthens the binding power of maya to the mind. Hence, we think ‘this is all there is’, erroneously.